Year 4 Term 3

Our learning this term
The current topic web for this term can be found below. It provides information about the topics children will cover in each subject area for the term.
Times Tables Check 
This term, Year 4 will be completing their Times Tables Check. 
Please continue to practice on TTRockstars to keep pupils fluency up, giving them the best chance to score as high as possible.  
Severn Trent Water
To kick start our Science and Geography topics, we were visited by Lucy from Severn Trent Water who gave a whole school worship about the Water Cycle before spending the rest of the morning completing a workshop in Year 4. 
During the workshop, pupils explored how much water each house hold daily activity uses and how we can do our best to reduce the amount of water we use. 
Pupils also learnt about the history of water, from the Egyptians, to the Romans to modern day. 
A great way to kick start our new topics! 
Pupils in Year 4 were visited by Bike Right to complete the Level 1 course on Bikeability. 
Bike Right taught pupils how to ensure their bikes were safe to ride, what clothing is best to wear when out on a bike ride and some riding skills needed when out and about on your bike. 
Pupils loved this enrichment day, allowing them to grow in confidence, developing their perseverance and courage when faced with new and challenging learning and continuing to develop a skill that can be used throughout their lives. 
Well done to all! 
Inspire - Lichfield Cathedral 
Year 4 pupils enjoyed a fabulous day at the Lichfield Cathedral working alongside Inspire Staff to complete several activities. 
Pupils had a tour of the Cathedral, getting to see stain glass windows, wonderful pieces of art and the oldest known bible. They also competed mindfulness activities in the chapel, created pieces of artwork inspired by the parable of 'The Lost Son' and took part in a team building activity related to coping in an emergency situation. 
Pupils represented the school with the usual pride and joyfulness, with staff commenting how amazing all of our pupils are.
Well done everyone!
Pupils in Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic STEM day, led by MR Wynn-Jones. Pupils used newspaper to build bridges to see which one could hold the most weight. With some hints and tips from Mr Wynn-Jones, many pupils designed intricate bridges, using triangular shapes to help distribute the weight evenly. Every pupil made a self-supporting bridge, with some even able to take weights up to 1000g. 
Pupils were also challenged to build the tallest self-supporting tower. Bobby and Maisie build the tallest tower to hold there gummy bear high in the air. 
A big thank you to Mr Wynn-Jones and a brilliant day had by all. 
See pictures below of pupils bridges and the winning tallest tower.