Physical Education
At St Michael's we aim to provide high quality physical education for all pupils inspiring a life-long enthusiasm for health and fitness. We aim to provide opportunities to experience a range of sports, leading to opportunities to represent the school in competitions.
Year 4 Basketball
See pictures below of Year 4 taking part in their basketball lessons, learning skills and applying them to in game situations adding tactics when playing as part of a team.
PE Enrichment Day - Glow in the dark dodgeball
As part of the PE enrichment, pupils from Reception to Year 4 played glow in the dark dodgeball. A super way to enhance the PE with a Christmas theme!
Whitemoor Lakes 2024/25
As part of our OAA, pupils form Year 4 visited Whitemoor Lakes for their residential trip.
Pupils had a wonderful time, developing all of our school values and making life long memories. They took part in several physical challenges, from climbing the 'Icy Seesaw' to 'Vertical Obstacles course' and 'Roof Top Traverse'. they learnt how to Fence, solved enigma problems and all in all had a fantastic time.
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Year 4 Residential to Whitemoor Lakes 2023/24
Year 4 had a wonderful time in November at Whitemoor Lakes. Over the two days and two nights, they took part in reindeer guiding where they were blindfolded and had to navigate their way without their sight through an obstacle course. They also took part in abseiling and climbing, the children worked together as a team handling the ropes for the climber whilst cheering each other on. They also practiced various circus skills and completed a navigation course using a compass.
They developed their initiative, team work skills and independence. All the activities were Christmas themed as the children trained to be perfect Elves. They finished off the week with the Elf games graduation.
"I want to go back!" - Josiah.
"We learnt how to be independent and work as a team" - Kirsten.