Nursery Term 2

Spring Term 
The current topic web for this half term can be found below. It provides information about the topics children will cover in each subject area.
Nursery Learning Information

Letter Join; You will have received a Letter join log in. Please log in and use this to develop letter formation with your child. You will also find phonics games to help with letter recognition. Click here to go straight to the website. 

 Seesaw; You will have all received your login to Seesaw, this is where you can keep up to date with your child's learning in nursery . Please click here to go to the page.

 In maths we use a mixture of White Rose Maths, Number Blocks which you can access here and Ten Town when teaching our children about number. Ten Town includes lots of games and activities and each number is a character with a story and song to accompany it. As parents you can also purchase the programme click here to find out more.

Spring Term 2
The current topic web for this half term can be found below. It provides information about the topics children will cover in each subject area.