Year 4 Term 2

Our learning this term
The current topic web for this term can be found below. It provides information about the topics children will cover in each subject area for the term.
In Year 4 this term, we have explored the text 'Flotsam' by David Wiesner. This picture book has inspired some wonderful writing including settings descriptions' and sorry opening. See below for a few examples of writing from this term. 
Sports Leader's Indoor Pentathlon 
The Sports Leaders in Year 4 have completed some training with our local SGO, Mrs. Woods, to run an Indoor Pentathlon with other pupils in the class. They learnt to teach pupils to compete in five different events (Shuttle run, Chest push, Vertical jump, Standing Long jump and Speed bounce) in a virtual Sportshall Athletics competition between schools in the local area.
The Sports Leaders showed all of our school values while recording scores, encouraging others and ensuring health and safety during the events. They all did a great job. Well done!