Reception Term 3

Our learning this term
The theme for this term is 'I wonder What Moves' below you will find objectives and possible lines of enquiry. We will begin by finding out what interests the children and follow their own lines of enquiry. If you would like to share any ideas that you may have about your child's interest  within these objectives please get in touch.  
Homework for this term is to continue to listen to your child read each night and record this in their reading records. 
Each week you will receive phonics information on how to support their learning at home. You will find words containing that weeks taught sounds.  Please use these words to practice reading and writing. Encourage your child to spot the diagraph in each word. Once they can read them ask them to spell them out. Once your child is confident to do this can they add that word into a sentence and write the sentence? This can be found on Seesaw, please feel free to share what they have done at home via the APP.
In addition to this you have been issued with a login for Letter join. Please log in and support your child's letter formation through the tablet friendly website and encouraging their pencil control at home. 
Thank you for your continued support.