Our Governors

Our School Governors are:
  • Ms Zoe Cahalan

    Headteacher St Michael's

    I have the privilege of having been the Headteacher here at St Michael's since September 2018. I lead on the strategic improvement of the school as well as all things Safeguarding and Health and Safety. I prepare termly reports for the Governing Body and provide them with a range of information to support them in their strategic role.

    Pecuniary Interests declared Governor at Hayes Meadow Primary school and family connection to DHF Electrical Services.
    Attendance 2019/2020 - 100%
    Attendance 2020/2021 - 100%
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024-100%

  • Mrs Rachael James

    Foundation & English Governor


    Chair of Governors

    I am a Foundation Governor at St Michael's Penkridge. I have been vice chair since September 2020 and link governor for English.

    My back ground is in teaching and have been a teacher for 20 years. I am currently a Deputy Head Teacher in a school in West Bromwich.

    I am married and have a son who loves to play cricket.
    No pecuniary interests declared
    Service date: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2027
    Attendance 2019/2020 - 100%
    Attendance 2020/2021 - 100%
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 60%
    Attendance 2023/2024 - 67%

  • Joanne Aldridge

    Vice Chair of Governors


    I am a foundation Governor at St Michael's and have been a governor since September 2019. I am a link governor for Maths and Chair for our Nursery & Out of School Care Committee.

    I have career experience in public health, partnerships and community development, but currently run my own business around family life. I live in Penkridge with my husband and 3 children, all of whom were pupils at St Michael's.

    No Pecuniary Interests declared.
    Service date : 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2023
    Attendance 2019/2020 - 100%
    Attendance 2020/2021 - 100%
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024 - 83%

  • Rev Greg Yerbury

    Ex Officio & Curriculum Governor


    No pecuniary interests declared
    Service Date:N/A
    Attendance 2019/2020 - 100%
    Attendance 2020/2021 - 100%
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024 - 50%

  • Jenny Booth

    Foundation, Early Reading & Pupil Premium Governor


    I have been a Foundation Governor at St. Michael's since September 2019. I am link Governor for EYFS, Early Reading and Pupil Premium.

    I am a qualified primary school teacher, currently working as an EYFS and Pupil Premium Coordinator on the Senior Leadership Team at a Wolverhampton school. I am a French and Spanish graduate with a passion for foreign languages and music. I have grown up in Penkridge and I attended St. Michael's as a child. I'm married with two children, both are currently pupils at St. Michael's.

    No Pecuniary Interests declared.
    Service date: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2027
    Attendance 2019/2020 - 83%
    Attendance 2020/2021 - 100%
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024-100%

  • Mr Joel Haden

    Safeguarding & e-safety Governor


    I am the safeguarding and e-safety Governor at St Michael's, and have been since 2021.

    Im a proud married father of two children who both attend St.Michaels and live in the local area.

    My background is that I am a Detective Sergeant for the West Midlands on the Public Protection Unit with a background working in child abuse and Welfare Officer for an FA accredited football club.

    No Pecuniary interests declared.
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 33%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 40%
    Attendance 2023/2024-16%

  • Miss Emma Rolinson

    SEND Governor


    Parent Governor at St Michael's and link governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

    I am a HR specialist currently working as the Head of People in the Housing Sector with experience in strategic, people and financial management.

    I also have personal knowledge and experience in SEND having a daughter with individual needs at St Michael’s.

    No Pecuniary Interests declared.
    Attendance 2021/2022 - 100%
    Attendance 2022/2023 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024-100%

  • Mrs Inez Mason-Atkinson

    Foundation Governor & EYFS Governor

    My professional qualifications NNEB, Social Work- I continue to be a registered social worker. Basic Counselling qualification, Adult Teaching qualification and a range of management qualifications.

    Before retiring in 2021, I was a Principal Officer with responsibility for chairing Multi Agency Child Protection conferences ensuring approprate plans were in place for safeguarding children and quality assurance . Prior to that I was an IRO chairing LAC reviews, adoption reviews and secure reviews ensuring appropriate long term plans in place. Before that I was a group manager for a local Authority with responsibility for supervising managers of Family Centres who completed family assessments and programs of support and intervention. Inhouse training and development programs. Also contributed to the development of Childrens centres. Before that a Senior Practitioner in a Children and families social work team with responsibility for a case load, completing assessments for courts and attending court. Supporting newly qualified social workers .
    Before that Managing a LA Family centre with responsibility for a team of staff, a budget and service. Similar responsibilities as a manager of a LA Day nursery. Also was a part time lecturer in Further Education.

    Attendance 2022/2023 - 100%
    Attendance 2023/2024- 66.6%

  • Mrs Rebecca Crow

    Associate Member

    I am the deputy headteacher at St Michael’s and an associate member of the governing board. I support the team in the strategic improvement of the school with a focus on the development of teaching and learning.

    My passion for teaching began in the classroom nearly twenty years ago and I feel very privileged to be a key stage 2 class teacher in our wonderful school.

    I also lead English across the school and meet with my link governor each term to report on the implementation and impact of this subject.

    Attendance 2023/2024-100%

  • Mrs Kathryn Durnford

    Staff Governor

    I have worked at St Michael's School since January 2007 teaching across EYFS and Key Stage One. I lead Science and PSHE across the school.

    No pecuniary interests declared.
    Service date 1/9/2023 - 31/8/2026

    Attendance 2023/2024-100%