Religious Education

Did you know we have been awarded the Gold RE Mark? Have a read of our amazing report at the bottom of the page. 
Vision Statement 
At St Michael's we aim for children to develop a ‘rich knowledge’ of RE and to have a strong knowledge of world faiths. We aim to develop the children's ability to connect ideas, concepts and practices in order to facilitate understanding. We seek to enable them to build a ‘big picture’ utilising both local and global awareness.  
Our RE provision reflects the RE Statement of Entitlement
Visits and Visitors
We plan various opportunities for children to explore a range of faiths beyond their normal curriculum lessons. This includes visiting other places of worship and welcoming visitors who represent different faiths or Worldviews. 
This year so far, we have had a Muslim visitor supporting Year 1 with their RE learning, we have a visit to the Derby faith trail planned for Years 3 and 4 and Year 2 are looking forward to welcoming a visit from a member of the Sikh faith. 
Our whole school RE display showcases work from across the school. Each individual class also has its own RE working wall, displaying current learning. 
Understanding Christianity
We use the Understanding Christianity resource in RE. This is supported by the BIG frieze which children get to know well during their time at St Michael's. 
Across the school children learn about the different concepts introduced in the frieze which are: God, Creation,  Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospels, Salvation and Kingdom of God 
Each unit of work covers the three strands of: Making sense of the text,  Understanding the impact and Making Connections