Wider Development

Wider Development at St Michael's
At St Michael's we provide the children with opportunities for them to flourish in their own personal development. We want our children to grown into good citizens with a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge they need as an adult to engage with society. These opportunities are beyond those offered in our curriculum. 
Innovation Group
The Innovation Group are elected representatives from each year group. The process involved in their selection helps the children understand how their democratic rights can be exercised. The Innovation group are the voice of the other children. They are given tasks during the year to help promote the wider personal development of all  the children.
UNICEF Outright- 2024-25 
Change Making
This year the Innovation Group are leading on a exciting project. They are accessing the UNICEF Outright resource to help them to be the best change makers that they can be!
Contacting our Local MP
Our first task was to make contact with our local MP, Sir Gavin Williamson. We were absolutely thrilled when he agreed to come into school to meet our Innovation Group and answer their questions. This was an amazing opportunity for the children to gain an understanding of British democracy, the parliamentary system and how they can make a difference at a local level. This was a great opportunity for our Year Three representatives to speak to Sir Gavin about the fieldwork they had carried our in Geography and some issues they had discovered in the local area. 
Year Three were absolutely thrilled that they recieved a letter from Sir Gavin Williamson saying that he had passed their findings onto the Local Parish Council and they had added it to their agenda for the next meeting! Watch this space!!