
Writing at St Michael's
We are incredibly proud of the high standards of writing here at St Michael's. The writing journey for our children starts from Early Years. When children their more formal learning in Year 1, they have already established themselves as authors from drawing club in Reception. 
From Reception, the children begin their journey as authors and this is showcased in their writing portfolios. Their writing portfolio stays with them as they progress as writers through each year. Each term, they will publish a piece of writing in their portfolio and, by the end of Year 4, they leave with a beautiful outline of their writing journey. 
Reading at St Michael's
At St Michael's we recognise that children need both good language comprehension and good word reading to be come good readers. 
We use Whole Class Reading to engage our children from Nursery age. We record the quality texts we use in year group Reading Journeys. 
Penkridge Library
At St Michael's, we believe developing a love of reading. We have strong links with the Penkridge library. We have taken every child in school to the library where they have been given a library card so they can enjoy the books there.  Each term, we take the children to visit the library si they can swap their books, or take part in some research for a new topic. 
Story Telling Week
Each year our children get to enjoy story telling week. This is where parents get to come into school to share a story of their choice. We have so many lovely parents who take part in this event, it often rolls into many weeks. The children really enjoy listening to the range of wonderful books and what makes it even more special is that the adult who is coming for story time each day is a surprise! 
Reading Ambassadors
Each year a small group of children from Year 4 apply for the role of Reading Ambassador in school. Over the course of the year, they will support the whole school in any reading enrichment days such as World Book Day. They also take responsibility for the management of the school library. They open the library doors twice a week and run a lunchtime that the rest of the school get to enjoy. Each week the children have the chance to change their library book in school or just have some quiet reading time inside.
As the warmer weather approaches, the Reading Ambassadors also manage the outdoor reading area. They refresh the books regularly so that new reading material is available for any child in school to enjoy at lunchtimes. 
Summer Reading Challenge!
Well done to all of our wonderful children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge with Penkridge Library.

It was the first year of awarding a cup to the school with the highest number of children completing the challenge and our children did it!
Author Workshop
Children in Year 3 enjoy a virtual visit with the author - Stephen Pass. Stephen is the author of Madge the Mermaid and a poet. This year, Stephen shared the first two chapters from his book with the children and some of his wonderful poems. The children get to listen to the inspiration behind Stephen's book - Madge the Mermaid, and even get a go at writing short hand!