
Vision Statement

At St Michael’s, we believe that high-quality Science lessons develop curiosity, enquiring minds and help the children to question and investigate as Scientists.

Science is taught using Big Questions that encourage the children to apply enquiry skills as they think like Scientists. Children are encouraged to ask questions, explain their thinking and find their own ways to investigate. Planning is routed in the 5 Enquiry Types and every lesson encourages children work scientifically. 
Our skills overview and progression document and Long Term Plan can be found below. 
Key Stage One Science
In Year One and Two children explore everyday materials. They learn to distinguish between objects and the materials they are made from. They use enquiry skills to explore the properties of materials. 
They learn about the plants that grow in their school grounds. By carefully dissecting plants they can explore the basic parts first-hand. They will grow a range of plants in a variety of environments to see what plants need to be healthy. 
They find out what humans need to be healthy. Year Two explored how plaque can grow on their teeth if they consume too much sugar!
Trips and Visitors
Year Two have been to Wolseley Wildlife centre to explore animal habitats. They had a wonderful time using the butterfly nets in the meadow and pond dipping.
Mrs Jones brought in some animals for Key Stage One to explore. They learnt about the animal groups and the characteristics of the animals. 
Key Stage 2 Science
Throughout Key Stage Two the children build on the concepts introduced in Key Stage 1, such as delving deeper into living things and their habitats. They also delve into new physical concepts such as light, sound and electricity.