At St Michael’s we aim to celebrate each child’s uniqueness, developing each individual child, teaching mutual respect, responsibility, and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring environment.  
PSHE Curriculum at St Michael's
At St Michael's School we teach PSHE using our own bespoke curriculum, using a range of quality texts, enrichment opportunities that link strongly with our core values. Our curriculum is tailored to the needs of our children ensuring they flourish in their understanding of their relationships, health and well-being and how they belong to a wider world community. The behaviour and social interactions of the children at St Michael's is exemplary.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
During Anti-Bullying week the Innovation Group prepared and led whole school worship around the topic of bullying. They shared common myths surrounding bullying and encouraged the children to consider if these were true statements or not. This prompted some thoughtful discussions. 
On the Friday of Anti-Bullying week we celebrated all things Friendship. The children worked in their house groups to play games and complete crafts. The children thoroughly enjoyed working with people they wouldn't usually work with and putting their school values into practice.