Living through our values

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Our Governors asked the children what impact the vision and values have on them:
  • It helps you to persevere if you have really hard work 
  • Checking in on people and encouraging them 
  • Smiling - being joyful 
  • Being brave - in and out of school 
  • Show respect by listening to others 
  • We know what we are supposed to do when we grow up 
  • It's like a flower that starts growing and never stops 
  • Feel colours inside when you are kind and help you spread colours 
  • I have good manners 
Using Our Voice!
After reading 'There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom', Year three conducted some research into the impact of palm oil plantations. The children then decided to take action and started a campaign to spread the message to our parents about the impact palm oil plantations have on orangutans and what action they could take. They wrote letters in our newsletter, and displayed posters and letters outside of school to spread the message.
Vision Ambassadors shared some of their thoughts around our values: 
  •  Humans are amazing- the world would be very empty without them

  •  Something bad happened to me but it taught me to show courage

  • When we show that we are kind, others will learn to be kind too

  • You just need to show our school values. Everyone is one of us, if that was you , you wouldn’t want to be hurt so treat them as you want them to treat you’.

  • The world is brilliant because there are endless possibilities- one idea leads to another

  •  I like to smile it makes me joyful. I know that when bad things happen things will get better.

  • People who don’t show our values may have had a bad experience themselves. They need us to show them how to fix their ways and be forgiven.